Emotional TTS

This is a work from 2021

Using our rich Emotional TTS system, we deliver the right tonality and superior customer experience in our dialog systems. This page showcases a sample of emotional presets and variations from our synthesizer.

Reference Audios

These are audio files from the training data.

Neutral Happy Sad Angry

Excited Apologetic Fear Surprise


Synthesized Audios

These are audios synthesized from Skit’s Emotional TTS system.

Audio 1 : The swan dive was far short of perfect.

Neutral Happy Sad Angry
Excited Apologetic Fear Surprise

Audio 2 : The beauty of the view stunned the young boy.

Neutral Happy Sad Angry
Excited Apologetic Fear Surprise

Audio 3 : Two blue fish swam in the tank.

Neutral Happy Sad Angry
Excited Apologetic Fear Surprise

Audio 4 : Her purse was full of useless trash.

Neutral Happy Sad Angry
Excited Apologetic Fear Surprise

Audio 5 : The colt reared and threw the tall rider.

Neutral Happy Sad Angry
Excited Apologetic Fear Surprise